Thursday, January 23, 2014

How my family affords a healthier lifestyle...

   A year ago if you would have told me your husband and you are going to change your lives, become healthier together and actually commit to a better way of life I would have laughed in your face and said okay there granola outdoorsy fitness hipster lol... It sounds like a gimmick and theres no way my husband and I would stay on board. 

   I am sure for many mommies, wives just like me it is hard to combine fitness, clean eating, and family together especially if this change is new. For my family it has been cutting out the fatty red meats, portion control, continual over indulgence, and most of all the financial cost of eating healthier and committing to shakeology. Both my husband and I decided that it was time for a change for our family and I can say that having him by my side has been one of the biggest reasons I have not failed.

    We are a...wait... we were a steak and potatoes kind of family who had a HUGE sodium intake. We liked our potatoes and steaks big and wouldn't blink an eye if we ate a steak dinner twice in a week. Not only was that terrible to begin with but whats a steak without washing it down with a nice cold one... alcohol is nearly non existent in our home now besides the occasional glass of red wine now. Our life change started with immediately taking away the fatty red meats traded for leaner proteins like chicken and fish; sweet potatoes occasionally instead of white potatoes.

     However, the biggest sticker shock is the cost of fresh veggies (because we have an unlimited veggies rule in our home it helps us with protein portion sizes & we are not calorie counters) in the amount we consume them it was getting VERY costly... about 250 bucks a month. CRAZY right?? Not to mention we are in the process of buying a new home and we are really budgeting our expenses. But.....There has to be something better because at this rate it was insane especially with a newborn baby I couldn't  breastfeed due to a breast reduction the year before. While my husband and I began to get frustrated I realized what the hell am I doing here I have this....

     At the time because I had previously used Shakeology to lose weight ( I knew it worked) I had about a bag and a half of chocolate Shakeology. Why in the hell am I not drinking this.. why would have I not thought about this before hand... low and behold it started with me drinking it everyday.. then my husband tried it... at first he was not okay with how much it cost for one 30 day bag but then something changed his mind...

    The way he felt.. he is now too an addict ;) Oddly enough...with two bags of Shakeology we are spending less on veggies and our grocery bill in general than ever before. Not only because we are getting all of the nutrition we need but also because my cravings for sweets is nearly gone which has led me to no longer over indulge. We don't need coffee or caffeine nearly ever!! We don't do multivitamins because we are already taking in so much whole food nutrients it's overload; check out the chart below and see for yourself :) As TMI as this maybe I have struggled with irregularity all my life... I am no longer in that struggle either.. in fact going once a day is one of the largest signs of a healthy body!

     The change in my family just in 2 months is crazy.. we are happier, more focused when we are with our children we are actually WITH them, we have far more energy than before which still blws my mind with two kiddos under five. 

All I can say is this is changing my family.. my husband and I's commitment to change has lead for a healthier lifestyle for our daughter.. she is already making healthier choices!! I am so happy we took this leap because I have never felt better... if you are skeptical.... Click & Read this... It is how you can find out just why I love Shakeology and I will NEVER be without it!!! If you have more question please contact me!!! 

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